Separate names with a comma.
It always seems like I end up needing to call the manufacturer on a Holiday! Looks like Mike's is closed today (Friday). So I'll have to call...
What happens if you push the transbrake button while you are in second gear? It had never occurred to me to try it, so I don't know if it locks...
Does brake cleaner hurt the strips? I got lotsa brake cleaner. -Brian
Got my engine down checking everything out and need to clean the inside of the blower. I'm not re-stripping it since I didn't get a lot of runs...
Mike, It's funny you should mention a wing that does nothing. The reason I am building a new wing is because the wing profile that came on my...
Mike, Thanks for the input. The NHRA rule for TD says 750" limit. For me to get the same downforce here that my wing would get at sea level...
Thanks Jim, I might have never thought of that! The NASA formula confirmed what I thought: A reduction in air density of any given...
If I read it right the rules say you can't. Gotta be a planetary type, no OEM. You can, however, use a converter. -Brian
Same with me. I bought a used system, and even though there was very little money left for him to make on it (other than the few little trinkets...
Simple question, not so simple for me. We have really poor air density here, 8400 is really good for us, 9400ish is common, 10,200 from time to...
Just got off the phone with M/T. Here's the scoop: 3186 = M5 compound (softer)= converter car. 3187 = M7 compound (harder)= clutch car....
Jody, I have it just the opposite. I tried to call MT to make sure but they are closed for the day. I'll try again tomorrow (if I can remember...
My wife and I stopped by the Bart pits Sunday after the race in Vegas. We are still making pretty good progress with our fuel head dragster and...
So how much were you asking for? Maybe your machine shop is right! :D -Brian
.0045 seems common on mains, and anywhere from .005 to .007 on a new set of rods depending on who you talk to. The rods shrink up after a few...
I have come to the conclusion that there is no easy/cheap way to cool the converter in a Powerglide. Do either the Bruno or Lenco converter units...
Found the problem. I went to Bill's facebook page and saw yours. If you search on Dave Lowe you get nothing, you have to search on David Lowe....
OK Dave, I went to facebook and searched and all I get is a link to your myspace page. What am I doin' wrong? -Brian
I called and ordered 4.30s today. Hopefully they will help me MPH without making the launch too aggressive. I don't mind pulling the timing...
I'll give you a call. -Brian