Separate names with a comma.
just switched to Isky Redzones .904's for my engine with ez-roll bearings... got them for a steal, I can get prices if you can provide part numbers
I am looking to upgrade to a CF hat and have heard from a few people that they have issues with distortion from temp changes or whatever that...
Brad 50 here... just fill a bucket with hot water and let it soak for about 10 minutes, then shake, makes it a hell of a lot easier to pour.
Great info, thanks for the replies... not sure what route I'll take but probably for this time have it done professionally so they can check...
I need to freshen up my blower and wanted to know if this is something that the average racer could do. The only real thing that would hold me...
funny someone is asking this.... Every time I see the commercial I think about if it would work on a trailer. I'm sure it would work, but I don't...
If you're going to spend money on an iron block, don't waste your time on a Little M. Get the iron eagle with the tall deck and raised cam, and...
Have you called T&D to ask them about this? perhaps they have something that might solve that problem, similar to the Isky EZ-Roll bearings on...
You're probably right... thought you might be in the states. Time to fill out the profile info on the board :D
what P/N and how much? -Jalil
Do you have a valve spring compressor that will work with T&D on a SBC head?
(raising hand) I had the same issue, they should put a big neon green tag in the box saying DON'T ENABLE START RETARD YOU RETARD! Took me...
Just picked up a set of Isky RedZone's with EZ-Roll bearings, S&S Automotive (santos) is going thru and since my crowers went to shit, they told...
I run GRP in my Blown SBC... got them from Troy at Madcap Racing Engines, great customer service.
WHCRA Heads Up drag racing tomorrow/saturday Famoso Rcwy Heads up fastest doorslammer action this weekend at Famoso...
Now the smallest main pill I have is .080 basing on the fact that it has a .110 in it right now and going off what I have given for information,...
Electrode cad plating burned off, down around the ring, and slightly curled over on the hottest plug. I don't have a weather station so I don't...
I do not have any EGT's or data logging equipment on the car right now so just going off plugs.
Just putting some feelers out for some input on how going up in overdrive relates to how you should tune the fuel in accordance. For example, I...
Great info I'm reading here, is there anybody out there that gives classes, or a real 'for dummies' book on how all this ties together, altitude,...