Separate names with a comma.
LOL No you won't! welcome back..... KB
Randy, you my friend derserve this more than anyone! I know you will do Evan proud! Kevin
Cod....damn your smart!!!! I agree KB
You are welcome KB
Frankie, I was not there to keep up on it....My kid was on the phone with Spence on and off all weekend...I am glad they ran was a tough...
You know what dood....its your site and thats cool but there a lot of us who want to know about come back and drop the thread was not...
I heard that they were going to change the name from TAD to BRHSCD.... KB
Now that is funny!:D :D :D KB
OK then we're still friends.....I will put your name on the Christmas card list again!:D I know your teasin....thats what keeps it fun.... KB
WELL, if you feel that way then fine.....see if I send you a christmas card mister! KB
Yeah what Larry said... KB
HELL YA! help the Blown guys.....leave us A fools alone! KB
Congrats Bill and team.....nice work! Kevin
Ditto......and Shields took the track record as well.....Awesome group those Shields peoples are.... See you in Indy..... KB:cool:
Ummmm I was NOT notified about that being your given fact I never seen a memo on this....I thought your nickname was...
I think PROMOTION of the entire class would be a big help as well... KB
The Codster......righteous dood.... KB
Way to put it Bobby....oops I mean Langenhammer...LMMFAO:eek: jOkEr!.....I mean Kevin Brown:D
12-14 Brooks.. Kb