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New Zealand post code 3218
I have a perfect CS2 3 speed lenco with reverser, this is a 35 / 32 trans incls blanket and air pods. Air pods have the holley jets installed....
tyre info you may be interested in 18790 mostly for blown cars and 18780 for NOS cars as per this info...
bruno and planetary Both can and do go fast. Just different methods to the...
Will, I have a retard box, just looking for a six shooter, chips and harness
WTB six shooter, with chips and harnes for a 8168 would be great
In my haste to post the question I did forget to mention its an air operated NO valve, plan was to fit with a pill, to the low gear until shift to...
What PSI pressure for a normally open lean out valve What pressure is recommended for a normally open lean out valve. I have 400, is this too...
Yes you can
my recommendation is to attach them to the bolts at the front section of the ali mounts where these initially attach to the actual chassis, not...
doug when you find out could you advise us all Bob good idea - great stuff. Doug after youve talked to Joe at Strange could you advise us all...
over <appropriately set up "normal" gap rings?> seen too many ring gaps not absolutely perfect, so across the board yes, there is much more...
Personally I've tried all, I changed to them in 1988, I've not found anything else that gives Z Gap consistancy, there is still contamination.
z gap rings try here
Apparently they do. I moved mine using a DMPE damper hub, bolted the coupler straight to it, turned up a 1" spacer for the mini drive to front...
Thanks for sharing, guess the lesson here is stick with the ONLY site you can easily ask questions - publicly - of a seller, who knows them, are...
string method String method -used to be the only way to do it and my prefered method also, lazers are great and likely way more acurate, but...
distance 7 : 1 ratio works real good
Balancer yes personally YES, ive found romac very nice, the ali / steel or better still one with a titanium centre hub to it would be better -...