Separate names with a comma.
i run an adapor down from my -16 tank fitting to -12 line into mine. never ever an issue
up to 100 ft lbs. they sell the tool for this. personally i do mine up with 2 philips head screw drivers that fit nice into 2 of ring nut holes...
dash in front of your engine? i would have thought you would have this in an easyish reach of you when strapped in and in cockpit nearer steering...
Great you made contact with Frank - did you get the link to their website with picture and price i sent?
neil and parks - multi fit - nice as
ro im looking for a 1.20 gear set, have 2 x 1.29s, a 1.25 and 1.35 to trade
crank trigger not firing was most likely due to motor not cranking over fast enough. buy yourself a crossover switch. we start on mag then change...
just call B&J up and buy off them, they give free advice if ever you need it. dont go behind their back. support them they are good.
as a back up, i have one of these with the end fitting changed to suit the female end on my jacks. 4 Ton Porta Power Pump (Red)
what blower? i have a screw at 108 and i run way way more check than that, I have absolutely NO retard on my car. pm me with your email im only...
we're running 28* @ 1.4 gals per min, Bruno w/ b & j. 1800 to 2000 idle, not a problem. talk to the bishops, brays etc, you have lots running...
phone number or email - i will send pics of my bbf, w/ bbc snout, crank support, plus more. i run 4.1 stroke, 6.9 rod in a std deck solid block...
10.200 takeaway piston compression height, takeaway rod length, less 1/2 of stroke. have a play with this formula. depending on crank...
pm me i am headed down this road, will tell you what i have done
i went through this very excersize. after studying lots of pictures, and the design of my RED. i made my fed shoulder hoop with the top of the...
Craig what is the ideal chamber size for blown bbc
hear you. ive asked if they could send me them in halves - out of country out of mind it seams. a friend collected them direct and paid for the...
will a 14.5 x 33 x 15L tire work on 13 wide rim - the recommendation is 14-15 however wheel firm sent wrong size rim. as i live out of country...