Separate names with a comma.
ned pro comp no screw blowers...
New England Dragway Pro-Comp I dont think I would take any bet's on pro comp at new england dragway being lost at this time. There are quite a...
restraints/recert/boots tim just start to get tommy all dennis taylor equipment, he has fantastic service.. frank...
Pro Comp some people are still racing that class... my son and I just built a car for that class..
fuel Why dont they just run the Nitro guys with Nitro guys and the alky guys with alky guys ? I am getting old but i seem to remember racing like...
arias/fontana/MBR I Had Some Back In The 80's Liked Them So Much I Bought 2 More Last Year...:)
marker there are chlorides in the marker, i used it on areospace Ti... a no no,, they had to scrap it.. :eek:
brake kleen in addition to the brake kleen with chlorides, watch out for magic markers they have chlorides in them too.. i know i made that...
weather station kestrel tracker and it is a great deal for what they charge. fits right in your pocket, who needs weather at the trailer? you...
fuel guys the fuel guys want the intake manifold heat !!!!! it makes it burn better..:)
I would send it to total flow products troy Mich,, steve does great work..:)
All that's missing here are the flying monkeys..Wow !! :)
5/16 center bolts Torque In A Star Pattern To 24 Foot Lbs With One Drop Of Loc-tite On Each Bolt.
pour in place seat if anyone is using the double sided tape on the outside of the bag,, do yourself a favor before you stick it to the metal tub...
shutting down would not hurt to check the fuel tank vent size too..:)
additional item will forgot !! Will i checked your fantastic list of parts and found some items that i did not have.. i also found another item...
The Mantons I am a nobody and they always make time to help me!!!!:)
retainers and springs Valves Conrad.....retainers,springs,push rods,rockers Noel Manton and Terry Manton..:D
Spud @ Fuel Injection Enterprises He Is Da- Man For That Stuff..:d
Good luck Will. All the Best Will, :):D