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Interested in the Blower stand , can you send some pics please to
Hi Mike , I recently tried to PayPal funds to the U.S ...... boy did they give me a hard time !!!! The PayPal Gestapo spent Overtime making it...
Hi Rob :-)
We have stuff like this happening over in England and the rest of Europe too sometimes The concerning thing is that it makes us all very wary , I...
I love this Website/ Forum. Its very helpful with lots of experience and opinions. I only asked about changing the shaft on my BRUNO :-)
Hi Randy , I have a switch on the shift tower. In the up position I can use the transbrake button for engaging forward and reverse as normal....
Hi , thank you for your reply on the Bruno...... do you have anymore details ?
Thank you for the replies , I know about the flow issues as the shaft size increases..... which begs another question..... which fluid are you all...
Gents , has anyone gone from the 1" shaft to 1.25" ? I am guessing the pump and / or gears are different , what machining needs to be done ?...
I did send an email straightaway
Can I have that please . I will arrange shipping to the UK
Computech 3000
Can I have an email address please
We ALWAYS have the Oil Heater on. Hot Oil works far better at doing its job. Having the heater on all the time also helps to burn some of the...
it sounds like maybe heat is the problem , have a look into the fluid you are using and how hot it gets. We had a similar issue with heat and...
Yes , on both my BAE motors . I just rang RCD who do a different seal for the front cover
Can I ask what temp the fluid in the Bruno is getting up to ? Do you use an off board cooler after a run ? Is it possible that the Bruno is...
This helped us a lot .
Thanks Will