Separate names with a comma.
WOW you are a lot smarter than you look. :) jus kiddin, Big Congrats, I don't know how you did it: race, school, internet, hang out with...
May All Mighty God comfort this truely great family at this critical time. Warren & Lisa [ June 28, 2004, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Will...
hay bruce give me a call,,,warren 225-445-3240
Gary Cooper???? wasn't he in Gone With The Wind???and recently died in Hollywood? lol lol Lighten up guys on the folks in the tower,,,been there...
great job Will !!! What is Troy Buff gonna race, their TAD from last year(s), have they raced at all lately?? Warren Dauzat
Willard and Family, Lisa and I will keep you in our prayers as well as Lynn Nickerson, who is also being treated for tumor/growths. May God keep...
What about the "TOTAL FLOW" improved BAE5 heads?? Did these change or alter any of the diminsions of the prior date rule? Warren
Thank God for medical miracles. Spoke with Lynn and he is in GREAT spirits. He is looking forward to announceing again, as early as the up coming...
481 is a chevy based(as per chrank shaft design) Keith Black, typically is a Chrysler hemi design, however TFX builds both as well as Donovan. fyi...
saw on "good vibrations" site,,they have cold-fire bottles listed as refillable. My empties, I receive on a deal, have a dot sticker saying it's a...
Have not heard or read anything on Lynn's current healt, since surgery Tuesday after Memphis D4 race. Please post if you know anything. He is in...
just a thought,,,perhaps it may be the Friday,Saturday(night) format that could cause lack of cars,,,,don't know??? It is sad, however,like ole...
Any word on Lynn's current condition? Is he still in ICU ??? Thank Our Lord, for the miracle of surgeons and medicine. Warren and Lisa
You got that right. If we could at lease get more alky racers to comment on this tread in the manner in which you, Will and I have,,,then I would...
HAY B-MAN, I got a lucky "nitro turtle"(cheap) that can clear up dem race car gremlins fast. Good luck. Warren "gonna marry (the pretty girl with...
Oilie, did you ship out that faded red "pink" fire suit,,,I may need for Houston???lollollol seriously....I have a urgent need for it. Warren p.s....
Thanks Will, for making us laugh,,,I think this is the funniest thing I read here in all times. Thanks for cheering me up from a not so happy...
p.s. Will, if you're not certain if ANY track owners or "promoters" read this web site, I for one suggest you push the "print" button, and fax a...
Oh and have WE all FORGOT the "shame" of NHRA and the "NO PROBLEM RACE TRACK" SPORTSMEN "CAJUN" Nationals,,,,,,that will not have the 240+mph...