Separate names with a comma.
The important question is where are the leaks? Rings, valves, head gasket? Ring leaks are usually the least serious.
This may not be current but at one time NHRA banned the 36" in Hoosiers in P/M.
Yes ...........
5 degree changes are really big
This may not help but Leahy now has a cam sync for a mag drive.
But it will look cooler set back. :)
If the block is lighter at the finish line, probably not a good thing. :D
Several years ago we bought what Greg said was his last trailer, but things could have changed.
Put it in V blocks and carefully mark it, if you are lucky it will just have a little arch and not an S curve. Gently massage it in a press until...
Would be a handy tool if it works with a 44.
That may just be the number for the core. Doesn't sound like common grind or part number.
MSD are really good, but must be assembled properly. Buy the tool and all parts from MSD, then be careful that the plug clip is positioned...
We bought ours from Bruno, worked great.
Correct :)
None of the springs changed dramatically, one at 800 was at about 785, none of the ones at 400 changed more than 5. These changes were probably...
Have not done anything, will take a look at them.
BBC are rarely hard on thrusts, .004"-.008" is good. It never hurts to put a small chamfer on part line from oil groove to the rear surface.
We have made a big improvement in these type situations with an accumulator. Would strongly advice not to do anything to increase crankcase pressure.
Air temp 60, track temp 80, baro. pressure 30+, water grns 25. That's what makes them run. :)
Dr Bill was one of the first ones that really understood the Davenport software. RIP