Separate names with a comma.
Looking for a bbc shaft rocker on head valve spring compressor. What works best for you guys? Have T&D rockers on Dart 360 heads.
I'm about to changeover from a 4.6 amp Supermag to a Msd 12, and am currently running a Carling style 15 amp rated switch, will this switch do the...
plugs Thanks for the replies, guys.
What is an acceptable tension for a spark plug? BBC Dart 360's. What are the spark plug torque wrenches for the hemi's set at?
pipes Thanks. Damien.
pipes Did they angle the pipes in or out?
Can anyone tell me whether 14 degree big chief heads and dart 360 heads will take the same set of exhaust pipes? Is the exhaust port location and...
Chassis Shop. Alan, give Sean a call. He builds quality stuff and is in Melbourne. Will be able to build you what ever you need. Damien Scully....
Waterman filter I use one of these, and it works great. Amazing what it will pick up! Also smaller in actual size than the others....
Lyle, my car came with a throttle controller when l bought it. Should still have all the bits. Pretty sure it is a Bill Mitchell Hardcore set up....
Hi Mike, I currently have my engine for sale and am wondering if you still have your engine for sale? If so will you sell it manifold to pan and...
Rods Darren, I agree with you about the MGP's and I think I'll go that way, and your correct in thinking that l was soliciting opnions,to make a...
What's everyone using for conrods in blown sbc combinations? 350+ Rodeck 8.71 P/G currently running 6'' C&A rods.
Congratulations to Cody and Bob on your D7 victory on the weekend. Hopefully more to come! Damien Scully.
Oil Cooking This subject has been discussed a couple of times on this board and usually favourably. Does anyone have any objections or sees any...
"I'd like to thank my sponsors, Mickey Thompson tires" Funny, looks like the rear tires say Hoosier to me!
Angle drive Sent an e mail to Summers Brothers, but it looks a though it will probably foul my idler bracket and open up another can of worms!
Angle Drives Thanks for the replies. Anyone know a price for the Summers Bros unit? Bob l checked with DMPE a few weeks ago and they hadn't...
Anyone know who makes an angle front mag drive for a sbc? I know of a couple of manufacturers that make a bbc model but can't find a sbc version....
Thanks Thanks guys. A few options there.