Separate names with a comma.
Man, has Div. 7 fallen on hard times! 15 FC's at Sonoma? I guess the days of 20-24 cars in Div. 7 are over!
Anyone see a count?
GP, Randy Goodwin had a PSI with over 200 runs on it! If you try both a PSI and a Roots for a few races each, I Promise you'll never go roots again!
Gp King, are you plabnning on just match racing, or Running NHRA events? May as well get a PSI, much less headaches and work! Not to mention the...
Wow, just noticed he ran a .77! That's pretty awesome for a roots! Who's tuning for him now?
I forgot to mention Gainesville!
Grant, talking about Pro mods versus Alky cars is one thing, but coming in this forum and Knocking the alky classes in general (I've seen your...
Gp King, the car counts in TAFC have come up since last year. Not nearly as many short fields as there used to be.
TJ, I think the A/Fuel cars will run away with it! It's not even arguable anymore.
I will not attend any race that does not have the alky cars, why spend $50-60 to see a half show?
Nick, most of the PM guys I've talked to say a turnkey 6.20 PM car is $150,000? Grant, why come over here and start your shit? If you don't like...
RK4's right, Drazy is so tied up with the TF blower deal, the Gizmo blower's would be a 6 month wait!
Maybe they just won't even show?
Eric, that was a good shot of EWMN, where was that taken? Do you have any shots of Wayne Stoelkel's Boogie man?
Some other drivers to ponder? Rick Bailey, Rick Brophy, Sterling Taylor, Jim Nix, all are former Div. 7 TAFC racers!
Eric, isn't that the one Marc drove for a couple of races? The original was drivin by Harley Griffith. It was Black yellow and Orange.
RG, how much did that Green paintjob cost? That was a sharp one, very few TAFC racers put much into paintjobs anymore.
RG, you forgot that time at Dallas when that guy changed your blower pulley to 50%!
On DRO, they have an article about how Mark Thomas thinks someone tampered with his Barrel valve causing him to Push his heat gaskets out on 2...