Separate names with a comma.
You have a ton of rocks and a ton of feathers...which one's heavier?
Thanks guys........
Broken whellie bar Jim Phillips did it too...Destroyed in seconds....
Cure for theives HEY....I know a 7'1" gay redneck you can hire to camp out in your trailer for the weekend....former pro boxer who fought George...
Personals A single older lady placed and ad in the persoanls section of the local paper, it read: WANTED: One good man. don't have to be rich,...
drop the hammer an wonder Why in the HELL did I CLIMBED IN THIS THING....sssSONOFa"BEEEEEP"..its SSHHHAAaken my TEETH out......"I CANT...
too bad were so far apart cause yor welcome to mine.......(trailer...for all those wonderin....)
Dave....check your pm. Thanks bud, Ozzy
Jim, I agree. You and I discussed this that day. You showed me the abnormal wear pattern however, there was an aditional rocker arm damaged as...
After 4 runs, 8 warm ups I have 2 exhaust rockers with damaged tips. The rockers are the standard Chrysler 426 style, not rollers. Motor is a KB...
Torque Got it, thanks Ken. Thats a good question (forged or cast). Being a stage 5 I would say cast. Thanks, Ozzy
Been to long...dont remember...what do I torque the head bolts at..KB block, AJ heads. Bought the studs, bolts from RHEEL. I'm thining 100 ft...
Whipple Hmmmm.....the only complaint I have is that Art would not call me back when I needed him most (in '08). I called at least 5 times, left a...
The allknowing spectator Between runs my crew member was stating how loud the car was (TAD) during the burnout and launch, earpieracing he said....
Anybody got a solution to making the barrel valve clear on a buzzard/whipple combo. I have had no luck finding a 3" spacer for a buzzard ( 15 1/4"...