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Some time this week ESPN3 removed the live streaming broadcast of the race. thank you again NHRA
A Big "Thank You" to Forrest Lucas for renewing his sponsorship of the sportsman series. When all is said done, without him we would probably...
The Aussies are racing different distances in the same series. Maybe they have a better idea. Would be fun to tune to changing track lengths.
Forget the regionals. NHRA moved the alcohol from Englishtown NATIONAL (quick count says there are 19 alcohol teams within 200 miles of...
Simply put, since 2005 this web site and Will has kept bringing up regionals and now like it or not they are here. This system will give the...
It's a done deal already. What will there be to discuss? You decide to go to races or not. Will you started this regional shit 6 years ago and now...
New FC screw blower 10995 most guys have 1. run it all year only spray gel in it. take it off at the end of the year put it back on at the...
Juatin, under the current system we get full fields with 10 to 12 I stated 3cars runD2 and it seems no one comes to run against Manzo for...
Let me enlighten you on the real #s. D1has 16 FC, 12 claim 1 3claim D2 (Virginia is in D1)and Lou Sgro didn't run divisionals this year. there are...
Atco and Englishtown total divisional car count down at least 30%. no spectators in the stand. they probably lost money on having the event. given...
Anyone who thinks this is going to work is sniffing the nitro. If you go to a system where only the tracks that want alcohol will have them, you...
As with the old system, 5of 8 guarantees that the highly funded teams will always win the championships. Declare when you tech in taking points or...
Regionals as i see them The people who participate are being punished for the people who don’t. Lets look at the east side of the country, no one...
If the purses are so small, Why limit anything? Why not have a good old fashioned DRAG RACE. You drag you your car up to the line and run it....
masterbuilt electric indoor turkey frier available from amazon .com 109.00 or the xl model which is larger (wish i bought the larger one, small...
What came first the chicken or the egg. Everyone cut down on the number of events because of travel. Take away the closest races and most racers,...
Lets look at the numbers and remember that this is a SPORTSMAN class. In 2006 there were 254 alch. competitors(tad and tafc combined), 2007-240...
Thanks for a look we don't always get. great to see someone took the time.
no 2 steps, no data recorders, no carbon brakes, no air or electric fuel management, no points box, no teathers, no diapers, no hans, no lehey...
We got hemi short block lifters and a beautiful stand with wheels from DRC race products. contact info