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Depends on wich type you have. Ours 3605PRO series should keep up 30-35 1/4 rounds in oure 4.5" stroke 526 hemi widh 40 psi boost shifting at 8500...
Dont now how youre heads looks exatly but we had the same problem widh oure old Veney heads, After i cutted out some aluminium under the lower...
Have run one for 3 years now widhout problem.
We have the large ones, aprox 194cc.
we run up to 32 degrees on oure 526.
Thanks for the info.
Wich system do you use? the Motorola or the cheaper one?
Yes that was after the first reinforcment, dont have any clip on the first runs but we had to change flanges after 3 rounds since they were...
High temp silicon works great normally. Flanges getting wrapped? how thick are they? have you weld the pipes togheter properly ? if not the...
We have a F3 135 on oure 526 veney hemi, we use a MFI injection and it works perfect, wouldnt wanna change the MFI widh anything i seen yet.
Ok thanks for the answer, will try that later on, right now i will run it widh last years setup a few more events. Dont have the time and money to...
We installed comp offset lifters in our kb526 veney heads to get better angels on the intake pushrods and so we could shims the rockers sideways...
Ok Thanks, Have to order some extra pushrods and lube then.
OK thats maby right (ill hope so) but whats "techline black goo" Theris a lot of chemical stuff that we dont have here in sweden, is it some kind...
OK, thanks Any more opinions about pressure oiling the exhaust rockers ( tru an orifice)
Dont be sorry, Longer posts that explaines why and why not i should do things are really apriciated :) It was 1 exhaust and 1 intake pushrod...
OK, thats sounds like a good idea but i still dont get it, I dont need oiling to the exhaust shaft but why is rockers and rockershaft prepered for...
Im new to Hemis and im beginning to be very confused aboute the oiling system for the rockers on oure Veney heads. It has extarnal oil lines that...