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Today it"s Chase his last day at Crane Cams after 49 years, would like to thank him for all the support and parts and wishes him all the best in...
Did you put the rods in with the radius towards the side off the counterweight? Check your PM.
Check this company
It looks like a Sitko drive.
Check if the rotors are put in right, if the left and right rotor are changed it will push out fuel on the rear nozzles and will make no rpm.
first of all remove the washers behind the idler bracke and make a longer idler-pulley spacer, also an idler support like the RCD idler assembly...
Call Ken Black he has them in stock.
Could be too much vacuum in the injector, you can open the butterflies a bit more or put airvalves in the hat.
KB sleeves they have in stock 4.310 bore sleeves, do not know if they have other bores.
KB Sleeves KB Stage 10/15 block sleeves $98,- each new @ Sassy Racing Engines
1066 heads these heads do not have the steel pushrods tubes in the intake ports but you need a spread lifterbore block (not sure if you need...
It" running the wrong rotation with the dual drive you can put the pump direct on the camdrive , but i assume you have an underdrive @ the dual...
It"s almost impossible to get the cilinders even with a standart manyfold due the pie shape of the outlet at a high-helix blower, we use a 10"...
Sune , you can make a flathead bolt in the blower restraint plate
Bad or dead condensor?
I doubt if aluminum bronze would be strong enough, i think it would break or moves on the hub so you don"t know were your ignition timing would be.
RCD pullies have bad anodizing, it comes off the aluminum and wears out the pullie,(looks like it has color anodizing instead of hard anodizing)...
with the KB pump you ran probebly with an almost empty oilpan, i would put in at least 16 qt in the oilpan to be safe.