Separate names with a comma. , he sells the best , U.S. gear .
What is the serial # on the blower ? .
The nozzle holders are 1/8th pipe thread if this is what you are asking .
I remember that car in the late 80's racing the IHRA races , BBC power on board and he did pretty well with it . Hope you find it ! .
Call Chase Knight at Crane Cams , he has the answers to anything you need to know .
Can't go wrong with the Honda or Yamaha inverter units , super quiet and reliable .
If you have a data logger the boost graph will tell you if you are spinning the blower to fast or not fast enough .
What are racers doing when the cert expires on their PSI blowers ? .
Went from gapless to conventional many years ago and the oil is much less diluted from my experiences . Awesome leak down with gapless rings...
I contacted Tom about 5 years ago and he is done with drag racing , he sold the flow bench and got out totally .
Manifold bolts coming loose , caved in piston domes , bent wrist pins , egged out small end of rod .
Don't forget Dale Brand ran 5.60 or maybe a 5.62 5 years or so ago with a roots in IHRA . The billet case roots extend the life of the strips also...
Not sure any drag racers have bought one yet , it is a fairly new design for them .
Where can we find results from the first race ? .
Don't they take the standard hemi gasket like the fuel heads use ? .
Salemi knows that combo well , no need to dyno it .
Jody , do you deal direct with Morel for the rebuilds or do you have to go through Minor ? .
Been running a mag 20 for years with zero problems .
That is not a antenna , pull on it and it will come out .
Been buying parts from Ken for many years , great prices and service as well as very knowledgeable in valve trains . Dave Quesenberry