Separate names with a comma.
24-25 timing max. We ran a screw with 55-58lbs of boost
Hat sold - pending payment
Hat is like new for a Screw blower make a offer on Davis box
Bob Mason - 401-934-9877 Rhode Island - worth the ride - mention Andy from NY.
JBR carbon Psi injector, Funny Car Pro/Mod Stile, Low Profile, front loading with adaptor plate. Perfect condition. $2000. Plus ride. Davis...
We had few hats dyno tested on our blower at Hammer Superchargers, after Troy got done testing we found one hat had more boost at the hit and the...
RCD BBC crank support, long hub made from steal... 3/4 bolt... all RCD parts... screw 120over, spinning 9600 rpm. RCD key material, (the key is...
BBC with RCD hub 2 keys, bryant crank. I had the crank all galled up this season... had to cut the hub in half to remove... this season was the...
with this new web page I lost PM.s... I have a manifold you are looking for ... if interested let me now ... make offer thanks Andy 845-323-2469
t/c what # pump cover what sprag ... do you run 1/4 or 1/8
manifold I have manifold 9.300 deck - billet p/m or give me a call 845-323-2469 Andy
Rings Call Bruce Walker - he will put you in the right direction with rings - you can mention Andy with 4.6BBC...
If you have new - no runs 1792 8mm GT belt Pm or text me Andy 845-323-2469
Carbon Motor Plate Carbon motor plate = 1/2 the weight of aluminum - I got part from him...
Monaco 38' Class A Diesel Get ready for the spring in stile!!!
2002 Monaco Knight 38'-- Class A Diesel pusher Cummins Turbo ISB 330HP -- Allison 6 speed AutoTrans, Diesel 7500 kW Onan quiet generator, 1500...
oil use Brad pen (green oil)= Problem solved
Lube We used both PJ1 and Prizem Prizem seems thicker and sticks to everything
Boost You will have a lot bottom end power... first year with a screw we had 11.7... just took of the roots and re-did the fuel system.
I used to work for HERC headquarters (Hertz Equipment Rental) we had all kinds of snake charmers come and say they are the best… and we did try…...