Separate names with a comma.
Kim...I respectfully retract my reference to Rapid Transit as "not understanding". Marty is on the right track and will do very well in 2004...
Zone...PS: Who said anything about "nosing over"? If you do not understand the difference between a torque curve and a horsepower curve with...
Will, you are right, but, it could also be an indication of less clutch slippage in the back half of the run. Remember, the horsepower is there in...
Kim...What other post? need to look at one of the A/F team's g-meter readings. The power is at its peak at 1/2 track. Spend some time...
Bob..horsepower is a function of torque x rpm/5252 (a given factor). Therefore as rpm continues to increase, so will the horsepower which will...
F-O-R..I agree with you, there are too many races. But, if the NHRA tried to reduce the number of division events, the sportsman racers would cry...
Perhaps those of you that complain about NHRA scheduling division events on top of national events would like to give an idea of how you would... asked "how many horsepower it takes to move a 2100 pound car 60' in .9 sec??. Horsepower doesn't move the car. Acceleration is a...
Yes, Bob Holley, maximum power (power defined as torque). Torque is what accelarates a vehicle. By the 1/8 it's producng max torque and it will...
Considering that the IHRA has only 12 events for these cars while the NHRA has 42 divisional and 16 national events (58 total races!)for the...
speedzoneboy..stick to writting articles for the uninformed and gathering data. You know very little about racing or what it takes to pay the...
Blonde crew chief...excellent post! Its refreshing to see someone that has the ability to reason through a problem mathematically. For all the...
Nathan, sorry, I forgot you...keep on "imagining" as you say. It's ashame that very few of those who cry about a rule change even have a clue...
Bob, David and Tommy, It is rather apparent that none of you have any idea of where the A/F cars are at with their current combinations and...
speedzone...The difference that Scott is trying to get you to see is that with a rule change, the teams would be forced to by the new "gizmo"...
Perhaps a boycott is just what NHRA needs to push their tolerance level for all the bitching over the edge and finaly tell the "boycotting group"...
Scott Nelson- First of all, NO it is not NHRA's position that alcohol cars should be eliminated. If it was, they wouldn't waste the time to...