Separate names with a comma.
I have heard a some people having trouble with the selenoid kill switches. The problem seems to occur when tire shake occurs. It lets the spring...
are you using the timing controler and or the 6-shooter?
I have used Brooks for years and have had no problems.
you are going to need a bigger injector if you chose a 14-71. Mert has great blowers for the price.
I was there yesterday and the view you have is fine. All of your comments are exactly what was being discussed amung the fans I was around.They...
I bought a usb to floppy unit at best buy for 50 bucks. My computer runs on windows xp . If you click the start menu and then click the run tab....
the billet blocks are easier to repair if they go BOOM.
What are the advantages and disadvantages between each one?
The button height varies slightly . The pin holes are in good shape and correct size and height.
A pain is an understatement I think. I am going to shim the buttonsand see what happens. Thanks
No the fingers are not worn. I am thinking that the buttons are not all the same height.
When setting finger heights how much variance in height is OK? If they are within .010 is that alright? I am refering to the primary fingers on a...
When setting clutch finger heights how much variance in height is OK? If they are within .010 is that alright. I am speaking of primary fingers on...
The monster trucks only turn the blowers 10 percent by rule and most of them just use hat nozzles. Almost all of them don't use any gel lube and...
That is what I thought. Thanks Mike.
can you use a 13.9 pully with a 14 belt or is that the other way around ? Or not mix either way?
Robert Reehl usually has them also
I use a small sealed battery like would be used for a backup for a household alarm system or an emergency light in a commercial building. I got...
Yes Dave can. He will put a new coil in the box.
Try a private process server. They are usually ex police and we all know how the buddy system works.