Separate names with a comma.
I'm looking for opinions on SFI 7.1 engine diapers for a Pro Mod If I run a ballistic nylon version then I have to have a belly pan on the...
You can get a good mil spec toggle from waytek wire supply also
Check out quick drives website if you haven't already. They have pretty detailed instructions about set up and the necessary shimming etc.
Will it work with these rockers
Who makes on head valve spring removal tools and spring testers for BAE individual style rockers?
Can anyone give me the length of a Bruno or quick drive? I need to know how long from the mid plate back to the mating surface of the trans....
What would have to be changed to use with a lenco?
Are you talking about the nozzles or the discharge head on the bottle?
Who is the best source for two 10lb fire bottles? I have all the plumbing and cables, just need bottles and heads
Yep they’re pretty easy to rebuild. Just some o rings and maybe a Teflon seal
If you're not using individual cylinder timing then the grid doesn't care what the firing order is.
I've used a BVA hydraulics pump PN PA1500 on a set. Worked good
Manifold to pan?
Are the shocks the triple adj?
In for info
I agree with Mike, if you can run without it then do, just keep a spare button because sooner or later the contacts will get burnt and that will...
Didn't the NHRA mandate a 4.86 year once upon a time for blown PM?
Yes, what Mike said. 2-step + nitro=$$$$$&
Yes you can use a two step on a blown motor, you just have to pull fuel out of it while it's on it. The majority of the blown pro mods use one no...