Separate names with a comma.
talked to noel today he said i had way too little spring pressure so i am going to try stiffer spring first then if this dont fix it ill go with...
I wont be able to tell you for sure till i get it back together but i had two springs that had went from 460lbs to 375 and 325 i dont know why...
I know it has been done to death but i have searched and cannot find any info on the effect of low intake spring pressure ? I have been fiting a...
Is there someone who makes one to pull the fluid out ,cool it then pump it back in ?
Who makes the best on for a fat head ?
heres another the wizard !!!!! whod thought a old country boy from arkansas would have them in stock cheaper than i can get...
Has anyone had issues with a whipple where it seems to flutter boost ? If you look at mine on the graph it jumps up and down very quickly all...
i did order it online so i guess they will get to it i was just worried that since i did not see it on the new order page that they did not get...
I need a crank trigger pickup and have been trying to call them all week and sent a email am i doing something wong ? First time i have tried to...
it is a wet sump system 1 oil pump
Can i hook my oil accumilator up to the extra port on the outlet side of the oil pump on a hemi ?
I have a 7531 box on a promag and i think it is either set up wrong or has issues when it puts the timing back in after the launch retard it...
I dont know if this will help but our hemi done the same thing when we first fired it this year and all we changed is the fact that i was too lazy...
We have a shootout car with a new dart cast block that has split the main saddles up to the cam who makes a aluminum block that will take 40lbs...
fuel system fresh back from rage it seems to be taking the face off them like runing out of oil mainly on the front of the motor but it has good...
We tried using m rod bearings to tune a hemi with 40 plus lbs of boost on the dyno and at the track and had issues is there anyone who can put...
I got a 14 degree in a screw blown hemi how would it effect it to go to a 16 or 18 degree ?
if it measures 64 inches around all the pulleys how do i find the correct belt length ?
Trying to lap the plates in on my waterman pump i have a small lapping stone and it seems like it will take me years to get them to fit they need...
Ok so the rule is you need .50 gap between the coils at max lift....according to the spring people but if you have a fat head with a .500 lift...