Separate names with a comma.
chuck - i'm with you 100 percent. i know you didn't do it intentionally, but there's a lot of good running cars that you didn't list. Justin - we...
david - you're word "verdict".... it sounds like a judge might sentence some of us to the chair. reading everyone's opinion helps pass the time....
i second that emotion
i guess that if you're from the east or don't have a fat wallet, that your opinion doesn't count
a round of applause to "we're always ready" freddy, mark and to the glue that holds the team together... clair. excellent passes
john - glad to hear everything's ok. i know i shouldn't have stuck my nose in your business, but it just hit me the wrong way because i had heard...
john is too nice of a guy to tell you not to post that. he is also someone who puts his heart and hard earned dollars into his race car. no, he...
unless john personally told you to post this, i see no purpose for it to be on anything.
Randy - i want to put all past differences aside for one moment. i'm not lazy. after working at my day job, working on a race car and taking care...
you're missing my point. it doesn't matter how much shit you can blow up in a weekend, if you know that you only get one. and no one can argue the...
put a ten foot plank, one foot off the ground. now walk across it. take that same plank and raise it 100 feet off the ground. now walk across it....
Michael - you could never upset me. not with your smile. besides, i'm just hav'en a little fun like the rest of the guys. this isn't exactly a...
#1 - my new slogan - CUT CAP AND BALANCE. cut the cost of racing by capping the number of motors and balance out the playing field. #2 - how many...
Will - I knew you wouldn't like it
There is nothing on the face of the planet that will level the playing field, bring down the cost and increase car counts faster than one motor...
Dave - Mark, who carries the required restraints?
NHRA is not going to outlaw anything. They're getting exactly what they want - cars running 50's. Once the 50's become consistent, then they'll go...
O K. I'll be the straight man. So tell me Creech, what do jessel rockers have to do with a 2 step?
Brandon - When you say "mash n' go" - how long is that? It sounds like a short time. Would your thinking change about the number of runs on the...
Can anyone say that a 2 step - definitely - has no effect on the longevity of the rods and crank. That is to say that you would put more than 6 or...