Separate names with a comma.
TAFC - Manzo.... He's 80+ points up and headed to maple grove probably looking for the .30s
I have to make a decision regarding automatic shifters for the Power Adders class we are running at the Utah Divisional in 2 weeks (Sept. 27-28)...
Can I vote twice since I'm dumb enough to have 2 of these things?... 3 in one day! I'm the king of sitting out sessions, but only when we...
It would be a non-issue if there was a class at EVERY divisional that TADs and TAFCs fit into where people could race/practice and earn grade...
Nice! Now that's a step in the right direction! Very cool guys. Flash
Mike, The CamFX valvetrain has cost me way too much already. We're working on our own design and until it's done, I won't be running. Thanks...
Turbos You should send me an email. We've got the makings of something great starting up here in Utah. Your turbo charged altered needs a place...
The way I read it they still have to be blown alky or nitro injected so no "gassers" ie top sportsman cars with a bottle... Flash
Contingency 801 does a contingency that isn't run through NHRA. NHRAs program is very expensive to the companies involved, and the racers get...
801 Revolution 70wt. 801 oil will be available at Pomona in drums or 5 gallon buckets. Drum lists at $1295 but is available to racers for...
Is there a rule that says I can't switch from a clutch to a converter?... Oh there's not? Hmmm. If anyone deserves a combination weight break...
Rob! Shoot me an email. If a few comp guys would step up, altered guys dust off their cars that don't have anywhere to...
Disappointment Thats all I can say about the lack of interest in bringing alcohol in with a divisional event. At $18,000, if each car makes 4...
My Boise Experience Jeff, We raced our TAD there 10+ years ago. We pitted next to a very small tag trailer. Over the course of the weekend...
Safety The NHRA has created a great set of safety standards for Alcohol cars. We all complain about having to spend the $$$ each time something...
Ed, I applaud your efforts. You're exactly right that there is NO PLACE in NHRA for the cars this class is targeted at. Your class has a...
I'm not proposing changing alcohol at all! Just getting them more national events. All with TV exposure. Right now, the divisionals are all...
Exactly! And u race your $125,000 pro mod for $1200 to win. Full 1/4 mile. Against a 4 cylinder super mod door car running 9s at 150mph. Comp...
Will, Thanks for giving me your honest feedback. I understand it's not the ideal situation. But having run my car on a steamer mechanics...