Separate names with a comma.
You know I was wrong on my previous post. I wondered about your snap on deal and looked it up. Sure enough snap on has their second gauge read...
Bob, I think you are confusing the second gauge reading for leak into the motor when that's actually leak back to the tank. If second gauge reads...
Bruce i'm curious if this "grind" only happens after start up in neutral and putting lenco in gear? Does it do it after the burnout and putting...
I'd call Darren at DMPE, they are in Stevensville, Michigan
X2...Marty will spend as much time as you need on the phone, he's very helpful. And Dave's right, his stuff speaks for itself. Look at the guys...
just cleaned mailbox...thanks
You use a dykes top ring?
What do you recommend, blown alky hemi.
1 piece does make you take it off when you get back to the pits. Not sure why guys wear their pants in the pits. I personally dont wanna ruin my...
I know there is a time to change rods, but is it best to change pistons at the same time or do you ck wrist pin holes and continue to run them?...
One piece here Dave. Kind of a pain when walking in the staging lanes, but easy to get into car w/out coat bunching up. Tie the arms around your...
I'd venture to say that blower wouldn't make that much boost on a hemi head. More flow = less boost.
Darkside, i'd love to see the pics too as we are planning on doing this.
So is it necessary to have the shiny kill solenoid to ground out the coil? Or is shutting off power to the grid enough?
Do you guys run a capacitor w/ the 7730 power grid? This is a blown 526 hemi, promag 44. Also is it still a good idea to use the kill relay...
47 passes here, 526 hemi, 4.5 stroke, 8600 rpm, 3303-pro grp rods. Putting a new set in this year just because.
Brandon do you ever sell your wore out 450lb springs? lol We put them on new at 450lb, 526 hemi.
Looking at buying 2 12v batteries from snyder to save weight on a 526 kb hemi, 1471, 44 mag. Anyone run them? Was going to hook in series for...
Anyone ever install valve cover spacers on a hemi to keep oil from spilling out when taking the valve covers off between rounds? Just curious if...
We were running a 3 speed lenco but switched to a 2 sp using the shaft eliminator. This winter we want to eliminate the extra case but the main...