Separate names with a comma.
This is Crane part number 66R000193. It's for a Chrysler 426 hemi with standard size bearing journals, standard 45 degree lifter bank angle, and...
Hello Mark, there should be some more numbers following the "2SR", probably marked below what you've indicated. Somethiing like "-14XBB 48D". Let...
Praying for Gary and his family. One of the really good folks over the years. Chase
Valve spring pressure itself is not directly a component of resonant valve train separation. if you could shim your spring to add another 100...
Yes, it would also apply to a "manual" (footual?) stage if you were holding it at a consistent steady RPM. Thanks, Chase
Another set of variables that have to be considered nowadays are the resonanant RPM points of the valvetrain. This traditionally has not been much...
Or the 1970's. Pro Comp would draw 20-30 cars for a Divisional 8-car field. Most cars really from D-2. Folks like the Gwynns, Finlay, Amos, Kell,...
There are also some early production Chrysler Mega Blocks that have a 50 degree lifter bank angle. Another different cam also required for those....
Assuming they're full size 9310 carburized steel cams that haven't been reground before, and you're not changing the lobe separation, there...
The folks at NASCAR approach similar incidents like this: Confiscate the competitor's evil parts, identify the competitor, put the parts out where...
Hi Will, I would also like to sit in. Regards, Chase
Condolences to the entire Santos family. George's impact on drag racing, and engine building is truly legendary. One of the nicest folks in the...
And now, a reply from my slanted perspective. The new Crane roller lifters are being produced on new CNC machining centers, right here in the USA....
R.I.P. Lou, and my condolences to the entire family. All time great guy to race against and to deal with. Always had time to talk, and had a...
The Crane roller lifters (and all of our other items) are being manufactured on new CNC equipment (all here in the U.S.) , that holds much tighter...
Crane Gold Race rockers are made by Crane, not anyone else. Same for the roller lifters, both mechanical and hydraulic. Regards, Chase
Yes, even with the .200" spread, the roller tracks will be fully on the lobes. They will not be prefectly centered, due to consideration for...
The roller lifters are primarily abused by catastrophic events: engine suddenly overreving, other valve train components failing, valve float,...
Hi Guys, the theoretical advantages to the 60mm journal camshafts, as opposed to the 2.125" journal camshafts, is a 42% increase in torsional...
Oops! Guess I should pay better attention............. Chase