Separate names with a comma.
did you win with this system -and theory
Not unless you got nitro hooked to it-----
check your return valve with a good regulator by itself not on the block
Start at 6#s and as far as 20#
If your idle check is to low this can happen If the bv is to rich it causes the check valve to go up and down every system needs its own...
enderle !
where is my ad Will
Does anyone have a new set MGP 7.200 Rods they would sell?
They where bought out-several months ago by race winning brands -Who also acquired many more racing parts mfgs.--Manley Victory- mgp weisco-Trend...
Anyone know how to reach MGP
try anti - seize under the caps
Congrads to Shawn and crew MR> Machine Car and driver---WOW
Boninfante friction
Signs of a bad pump- they fail at any time
call mike 412 498 7147
read reply #5
Bob I heard that certain pro mod builders put in what is called rear steer ----one side leading the other