Separate names with a comma.
Spray any place you do not want stuff to stick with Pam cooking spray. Tire rubber just rinses off if it sticks at all. rubber usually sticks to...
Cam drive magnito I have one for the Mallory style mag. B happy to send you photos. We custom made it because we wanted one. We can make one...
I just felt that this information need to be bumped back up.
Redline makes an excellent Alcohol Fuel upper cylinder and fuel system Lubricant. One bottle treats 55 Gallons This stuff works wonders for...
MSD 8957 Magneto RPM Activated Switch I have two MSD 8957 Magneto RPM Activated Switches. Slightly used $40.00 Shipped in the states....
Safe priming Give the newbee crew person a small bottle and they can not overprime it. Available at camping supply stores with a flip up tip so...
Transmission cooling pans The transmission cooling oil pans from Derale and TransDapt work wonders as they cool the fluid after it leaves the...
Goodyear tire compounds D-1 = Soft- Good Wear, Better Traction D-2 = Med- Good Wear, Good Traction The lower the number the softer the...
Call Blower Drive Service and get one of their plates that mount under the hat and convert it to electronic fuel injection. That way you get rid...
Gorr Flowed Fuel Systems 1969 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City AZ Phone 928- 855 8800 FAX 928-855-9898 I...
I said 16 car fields would bring more spectators and more cars. I must admit that when I'm sitting in the stands that I perfer the topend to...
You never mentioned what power level you wanted to run. Eagle is offering a one year limited warranty on their 4340 cranks with the optional...
I see some real possibilities here. Less insurance costs for one not mentioned. There was lots of talk about 1,000 ft for the same reasons not...
Not a Ford A couple of Ford logos and some blue paint do not make it a Ford. This is not a Ford based engine. There is nothing new here just hype.
Thanks I want one too.
We tried it with a custom built and engineered tuned step headers. We spent lots of money on the project. The problem was they worked too...
Drop a dime and save hundreds of dollars. A courtesy call can save you a lot of time and fuel. They will also save you a pit space in front....
It will prime the fuel pump faster with the throttle blades open to let the air out while spinning the engine over to bring the oil pressure up....
God Bless and Good By Wally You left a Real Legacy in the NHRA God Bless and Good By Wally You left a Real Legacy in the NHRA for all to enjoy....
Back when the Top Fuel cars were blowing over the rules were changed to NO BELLIE PANS now they require them and the blow overs are back. Go...