Separate names with a comma.
Cam sold !! Front drive sold one left!! Retard Box gone! Rings sold!!
Heads Sold!!! Oil pump sold!!! Shaft system sold as well!!!
Flow meter sold, data maxx dash sold!!!
Tried to email you and your email is not working can you send me a email thanks !!
Fire suit sold!! Indy 9.800 blower manifold sold!! Thanks for the spot ITA.
give me your email or send me one thanks Vince
Still available needs to go make a offer!
MSD 6 shooter sold!!
Looking for a BAE hemi standard or .300 short or long block let me know what you have , no blown up stuff please! thanks
Still available?
Intake sold!! Blower sold!!! Chips sold !!!!
List of parts for sale. 1. Crossover auto Box Dave Leahy 100.00 2. Computech Complete Data System including flow meter 3500.00 like new 3. BBC...
yep got it thanks Mike!!
Will for ICT what do I need? thanks!
I like it and its functions and know a lot of guys much better at this then me that like it as well, I believe as we go along the product will get...
pictures of the trailer please
I've been told that as well, I dont use traction control and I havent got to use my lean outs yet but working towards them .
I like it's easy use and features but I'm not buying 3 boxes etc. I learned a ton on this thing man. How do u like the CM module Jody???
I finished the car this year, started testing a few months ago and from the get go it was acting like hitting the chip. Wasn't shifting etc. I...
Just an up date for you guys for info reasons, this issue turned out to be the grid itself, after getting all the wiring and trigger cables and...