Separate names with a comma.
valve keeper thats exactly where it brooke
are the round valve keepers better than the square ones i droped a valve this week and i was told that is why it happend i had the square
i meant 90 degree stuiped me
how come nobody starts at #1 tdc and adjust intake and exh and turn motor 45 deg with firing order and adjust intake and exh again
whats the best brand of alcohol to run do any of them make more power and whos got the best deals
any body use cen-pe-co oil
whats the best tach to purchase for a pro mag 44 that wil read right or whats every body else running
whats the number
car cover the ones you buy at local stores are made of cheap materal and tear easy i am looking for one thats made from a nylon or like a silk...
who sells acrylic or nylon car covers something thats light so you can throw over when theres a shower
when is the best time to spray it in idling or rolling motor over
what are things you can do to prevent detonation
has anybody herd of nu-chrome in burnell flordia
:Dwho in the florida area does a good job chromeing parts or anywhere else
how much will the timing vary with offset belt driven mag drive
mike dunn 940-240-1603 cell 817 994 9101
the autometer 6821 with inductive trigger work on a44
what kind of tach is every body running on 44 msd and how to wire it so it will read acurate and not bonce all over the place
who sells a sleeve puller to pull one out of a keith black stage 8 block and how hard do they come out and go back in
last weekend i had couple intake rods come offand the adjuster nuts losenup how tight should they be they are stage5 rockers on526hemi anyway when...