Separate names with a comma.
Hey Brian so sorry for your loss your in our prayers.
10-24 is correct
There are oil pick-up services that will actually pay per gallon to get your used oil. Seems like they would keep thier mouth shut and collect...
Thats awesome news! Congratulations Paul from all your buddies in Va. Beach
Your question is hard to understand, maybe you should attach some pictures to make it more clear.
I just restripped 2 SSI top fuel style superchargers for a customer of ours that were purchased from the Hartmans.My customer asked me what kind...
I always thought the drivers were a little crazy to do what they do,but its the camera guy thats really nuts!!!!!
Just another reason your a fan every where you go!!!!
Nice Job Todd, looks like you guys are on the right path...
I guess we're the only ones that ever forgot the body pole. Sure is hard to look first class with a 2x4 holdin the body up!
Maybe they can get that guy from Pinks to be the official starter!
a couple of halogen lights shining up towards pan is what we did before we got a plug in pan heater
We have about 35 gals. of alcohol stored in plastic fuel jugs,the fuel has been in them for about a year. Have you guys ever ran into any issues...
If you have doubts about it,it's alot easier to check bearings than buy all new stuff.
Ihra died a couple of years ago when they decided we needed them more than they need us.Some of the classes they thought would never abandoned...
Your First Sponsor is Hot,(Susan Mahoney) give ya 24.95 for her phone # lmao
I don't know what you guys are so pissed off about,it could be on speed!!!!You ever seen their coverage, at least ESPN shows the race the same day...
I wish I could see the look on our drivers face when we send him down the track after the whole crew has drank 10 "stealth beers". Great find!
I have burst panel cages that allow you to run 2 burst panels legally without stacking on top of each other.The cages we've made have a 5/32"quick...
If you want to win and you have the money Al Billes would be my choice.Every car he touches hauls ass!!!!!