Separate names with a comma.
Bbc I never ran with a damper but I had that idler setup before and when you cracked the throttle you could see the idler whip back and...
xp I ran the laptop all weekend and it worked fine. I just kept jetsize closed until I had all my other stuff looked at. It kept my tuneup...
jetsize We kept the laptop off the internet to avoid all the diseases. We deleted all not essential software and ended up with very few processes...
I just installed Jetsize on my Windows XP laptop and it works fine but it slams the CPU to 100% whenever it's open like it's doing some huge...
Gear Toms or us gear
psi RandyG and I discussed this issue at length and I've played with my 2 fuel systems several times trying to get them happier at idle. Both...
Please send a phone number I'll take it.
44!88 No switch on the trigger
I've posted a couple times on this troubleshooting and we still don't have a smoking gun. Recap Sent all the promag stuff to Lahey over the...
I need complete rocker gear with latest oiling system for -5 fathead, pushrods for .100 tall 54mmcam, spares tools etc. Also points box with...
power I have the capacitor inline which should stabilize voltage swings? I was going to run on nothing but mag and internal trigger for the...
cap yes have a capacitor and checked connections
batt I have a small lith ion battery for electronics. On some old data I saw the volts drop to 11.8 when the brake was on. Is this an issue?
power no switch for triggers 8973 runs off a fused switch in a dedicated switch panel
After 6 blower belts we figured out that the ignition on the car is shutting off and coming back on when the car launches...sometimes it looked...
yes.. that will generally only starve one bank of lifters. Pull the galley plugs out of the back and you can visually see the alignment of the...
9.5 US gear unless Tom's makes the ratio you need.
timing the bae alcohol heads run 25+ degrees so you should be safe. The car shouldn't take full timing until 1.5-2.5 seconds into the run so...
8973 Not sure what is going on but my first step in troubleshooting any MSD software controlled device is to make a new file and load it into the...
I need a beltguard or at least the top section for a PSI with mini snout. Does not have to be starter type. Thanks Mike Bruns 316-259-3883