Separate names with a comma.
Clearance Dent the bae tubes as required and make sure they don't spin with silicone.
2 8973 boxes complete. One was a spare with only 2 laps and all the wiring is new never installed. The other box comes with all the wiring from...
good times The product is junk just like the service. The ring gear will come loose and or loose teeth.
Brt FFI- Grant Macrary and WYO motorsports-Todd Tutterow do mods. I'm not sure on actual gains but they can make one run cooler and stabilize the...
x2 BAE is the best. You'll have some resale value added also.
whats he testing? It would be nice to know what hes testing exactly. The gold gerotor looks like a standard P&P /RCD He claims a hemi needs...
pressure Whats the goal? See who can pump the hemi oil system dry the quickest? The engine only needs a certain gpm of oil. I guess a killer...
cnc I had a dual setup do that years ago. The side that was compressing more had a piston that was too small for the volume of the calipers. I...
pump we ran a cast titan sportsman pump on a bunch of chevys with the final version screwblown and 9000rpm. It had a high pressure spring and the...
info We are mostly focusing on chassis stuff this winter but found a few cool items so far.. You can buy titanium on ebay with slight damage...
rcd The rcd mini snout is the most poorly designed rcd product ive used. If you are running a clutch car with no two step it might be viable but...
gerotor It looks like the standard RCD/P&P pump that holds numerous records is the gerotor design. I'm amazed that you can run 12 qts in a...
14mm With 11mm you have to notch the fuel pump ext severely and the pulley looks like a pie plate. Even with that setup I think the dia. of the...
Springs I guess it comes down to where do you draw the line. We run over 500 psi on the seat which I consider to be a substantial load. Should we...
welder The inverter machines everybody is raving about have driven the price of big conventional machines down. I sold several miller syncrowave...
blade They cut great but the part must be clamped extremely well. I borrowed one to fab stainless tubing and I ruined enough blades to pay for a...
fitting -12 nipple welded to a piece of hardware store pipe. It was embarrassing looking so I turned it in the lathe a little bit. Worked for...
Weld Miller had some good info online. It's a finicky metal to weld and the worst thing is a decent looking weld can fail. Color is everything.
psi I don't record data in the burnout but I know when you shut the throttle off at the topend it makes a crazy pressure spike. I stage with the...
Not good. 188 mph with 14% slip and 9800 rpm. The Bruno pressure was low for some reason.