Separate names with a comma.
RR racing makes my pump mount (for a jesel belt drive). Works pretty good. TBS has a great...
DJ Safety will make the right bag for your combo. Ben Conant will treat you right.
Older picture of install
I love my clickfast. Been using it for many years. Thanks Ray for a bullerproof part!
can you send me a pic of the gloves greg at thanks.
2 trailer spares!
In my mind, i see it better that the port check be located at the dist block so the feed line stays full. Also, my idle check is 5.5#. port check...
Still have jacks? Can i have pics and measurements sent to me?
I've worn most. I love my Hybrid Pro. Won't ever swap.
I run a small version of it. Never had an issue. Been on the car a year. 7.5gpm Enderle DSR80a-1 pump.
A little ground speed helps keep the car from washing out. Stopping and going allows me to do shorter burnouts while still having the tire heat...
Rockauto FTW. Buy enough the shipping is free, and it's an even better deal.
I use an Enderle "DSR" pump. It's an 80A-1, flows more than a regular 80A-1 by about a 1/2 gallon. 6.85 instead of 6.33. WAY louder pump, sounds...
Pics of front wheels to please
David Neth @ Impact is great to work with.
TBS spacer? Picture? thinking of getting one.
I have a drawer of my toolbox just for blower pullies. Any cool ways devised to store pullies in a trailer? They burn up a lot of room.
we've started mine on gas for years. generator gas, nothing special. fires quicker than alcohol, but you can't use much. Lucas bottle with the...
No. I wish, but no.