Separate names with a comma.
OOPS!!!!! Hang on, I have to get this big foot out of my mouth. I heard yesterday that Ashley Force did in fact run a .36 at Firebird, but it was...
We here in Div. 7 get free entry at our Division races also, although I don't remember how many crew passes we get. (I think it's 5 also)
I was at Fireturd, and I can attest to the fact that Ashley did not run a .36, but she did run a .46 next to us (Niver's car). I'm sure it won't...
I don't think it's so much as volunteering, it's more like a junkie getting his/her fix!!! LOL. God help us if we got paid too!
Rocky, I too agree with you. But in the same breath, I also think that the A-fuel guys shouldn't be penalized for choosing to run a combo that has...
I think it will slow us down more than we wanted to be slowed down. LOL, sorry, couldn't resist.
Hey Kev, Tuck and Jasper give a big ol howl up to the sky for the Nitropooch. We'll probably be at the Vegas Div. race as spectators, maybe we'll...
I'd be willing to bet that NHRA didn't change the nitro percentage because they don't want to have to "police" it. And it would also cause all of...
I'd have to say that happens on both sides there Scotty. By the way, how've ya been dude?
Well Badsis, you just made your first mistake, (doesn't take long). Never, and I mean NEVER post your opinion on anything that you read in here,...
Well, if they're sold, then one would have to guess that someone's gonna race them huh?
BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,YADA,YADA,YADA!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to EVERYONE who ran well in Chi-town. Looked like it was an awesome race in both of the alky ranks.
God, I hope not!!! My ears hurt now, can't imagine if we see a "4"!!
Did I read that correctly? We now get 8 starting line waivers!!! That's great, much needed at times. Kudo's ladies and gents of TARA.
That's awesome, Mom Reichert, keep things in perspective. Ya got your priorities right. Hope your daughter has a great time, there will always be...
Originally posted by Lance Flanakin (I tip my hat to the fuelers for figuring it out. I spent 15 years with Bubba Sewell and Jay Meyer and...
I would have to say, that "article" or whatever it is to be called, hit EVERY nail on the head, squarely. Len Imbrogno seems to have a strong...
Way to go Mr. Gunderson, that's f'n awesome!!! Let's enjoy it while we can, cause come next yr, (and who knows for how many more yrs)we won't see...
...And as usual, the A/fuel racers are the ones who will get to spend the money to satisfy the rules changes!!!
We try to maintain 1/4" as well, but if they're more than that, we will stretch the small one with air pressure. I'm sure this scares the hell out...