Separate names with a comma.
One more thing, 10-4 on the crashing sucks deal, we starred in that movie a couple years ago, at the same place. Remember? Take care of...
Hey Chris, great to hear from ya so soon, and to hear that you haven't lost your sense of humor either. We were on the return road next to you as...
Don, "a drunk WAITING to happen", c'mon dude from what I saw (and partook in) Saturday nite at Sonoma, there's no waiting left. LOL. your buddy,...
Hey Don, I'm sure the Strasburgs have it...IF you have their ph.# LOL. Also, did the trailer tear up your truck when it broke? Look forward to...
Just curious here, not trying to be a wise-ass, but why do you mention Connie only? And not someone like Snake or Don Shoemacher, Joe...
Except for an A-fuel car on 98% in the heat, and at 4800 ft. density alt. NO ONE CAN!!!! As in Tucson a few weeks ago.
Yea, she was awesome, good job. Boy, I sure wish Bucky built A-fuel motors! LOL. We all sucked hind tit to the BAD's up there.
That's too damn funny!!!!!
Hey Don, love your response to Will. LOL (and I tend to agree). BTW, where were you this weekend? (Firebird Divisional), or are you going to race...
If they keep getting bashed like this, they may not come back to NHRA racing at all, lighten up dudes!
Not NHRA!!! LOL.
It's a pretty lame showing for TAFC, with only 3, yes THREE cars showing up. Pitiful.
Hey John348, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea. However, I think that the "fast" A-fuel cars would far outpace (in e-t's)the BAD's. And...
Ok, thanks Denny.
Let's have some info on the A-fueler. Who is it? Incrementals? How many laps? PLLLEEEASE!!! Thanx.
Good job Brad, way to go. From the Niver camp!!!!Knock em' dead.
A SPIN TESTER?????? Who in the world would do that, it sounds a bit daaannngerous! What do you think Norm? LOL.
And furthermore, Art wasn't smart, he was just a good thief. Eh' Norm?
I gotta hand it to ya Dean, it takes a lot of sack to actually say "if Norm were smart". LOL
Rumor has it that MG was going to try 96% on the second qualifying hit. Anyone got any info?