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what do you have it on a little motor
glad you were happy with it pleasure doing bussiness with you
yes you can sand and reclear them or you can wet sand them 2000grt then buff then that should take the overspray off
i think it was probley something to see and hear one time but i wasnt a fan of it i couldnt tell who was doing what just didnt like it
thats for sure and you meet a lot of nice people learn tons stuff and form some new friendships thanks will hows the new motor coiming dale
that is a good looking car i all most painted those same graffics on it i liked the way capps paint job was layed out looks great greg well done
i started to say detonation on page one but wasnt for sure but i do know it will loossen bolts at bradenton fl on a qualifing run with a brand new...
what is the prupose of this gel and why would i use it i all ways sprayed mine down with wd-40 i have heard you talk about it seems every one is...
i grounded each head from the header bolt in the front to the frame probley 10ga wire the ground on my coil goes to the same place on the frame
i used a mirco neturel safety switch my tach has a low side works when the clutch pedal is down so my shift light is on when i stage adjustable...
i have been doing fab and custom body and paint work for years im impressed with that guy amazing work
how hard can it be the guys right some people are just idiots and panic i guess then they die
putting a nut over it weld the nut to it and be done will work great i seen an old timer do that years ago and i have been doing it that away ever...
several people have been hurt like that i would think solid mounting the trans could cause more problems just my thoughts
i have never seen one mounted like that in a hard tail chassi due to the flex in the frames
until you get caught ( lol )
the one i use i got from the snap on dealer always worked for notching tubing are go to a industrail supply house they should have them are go to...
a tenth will put me in the high .80 to low .90s in the 1/8 mi is all im looking for
i was there in denton a couple of years doing a match race and watched the outlaw fuel altered run hell of a show
i was looking for a tenth and half lol mabe nitrous would be easier