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I just had the same problem, they don't interchange directly but it is an easy fix, if you are planing on using weld centers in american racing...
I had til problem on my old Chevy no matter what i tried the crank hub would weld it self to the crank. I Had to build a special hydralic tool to...
Hello I am looking for Wheel centers for American Racing wheels. Ideally 4 centers. If it matters they are for 16x16 dbl beadlock wheels....
How about the belts drives from the HDs those are rather short
Ok thank you guys i'll use both. then.
timing fuel heads Well you guys will think i am crazy. In my engine we run 39 degrees with a 44 pro mag. The engine is AJPE stage 2 heads.
So switching over to the r980 has me wondering. Do i keep my old bust panel in manifold plus the new one in the blower. Or is one of them normally...
adapter I was hoping to avoid using an adapter.
Is it possible to drill the base of a carbon injector for new mounting holes? Is the base solid or is it a honeycomb structure? Another...
pics? Do you have some pics and a price?
the link say content not available.
do you have any pictures?
Hello I am in the process of setting up a r980 whipple for next year. What injector is usually used on these blowers. I was planing to use a...
Thanks Shawn. I ended up buying the whipple r980. I dont need to cert my blower as i run in an outlaw class in europe.
I have always been running roots blower so i don't too much about screws. But i got a guy offering both a PSI and a Whipple. i don't know which...
heating I find that heating the fuel pump is of greater impotence than the engine. The pump will scuff if it is too cold. Heating the oil is fine...
I do bottom end on Stig Neergaards top fueler here in europe. In the shop and at the races. We only use a torque wrench and engine oil....
blower I am curious about this. The claim that it will out preform any blower its size is indeed a very tall order. If this blower is so good...
If you are only getting 200 - 275 rpms on the starter. You are right at the very low limit for a pro mag to fire. They need at least 250 rpm...
hutch Hutch is the man, he help me sort my powerglide.