Separate names with a comma.
Have you run a 4.86 with the the screw/hemi and 34.5 tire, what does it rpm through the 1/8 stripe?
Spacing should be .125 minimum to 1.87 per Rossler
If I could ask why are you switching from a 4.56 to a 4.86.....are you running a blown hemi 1/8 mile also, reason I ask is because Im making the...
10.5 but same difference around 3000 hp
On your typical 3k hp Blown Alcohol car you always see the fuel cell in the front and that's where mine is. I know they make a cable drive deal...
thanks Man for the cam
Looking for a good set of Stage V BAE heads no junk please. Thanks Chris 586-615-5225
100lbs for a second.... shit sign me up
I ran QF Alcohol carbs for yrs, you will never be able to pass it enough fuel through carbs. I had to make a small injection system with .050...
Blown Hemi 2800 hp 3000lbs door car on 10.5's running 6.50 1/4 mile and 4.20's 1/8 mile......Recently I bumped the wall and bent my wish bone,...
How do you guys keep your headers from cracking on a BAE blown Hemi. Currently I build them out of .065 and after a while they crack at the...
Has anybody noted a gain in boost going from non coated rotors to coated? I heard I will see 2-3 lbs by coating my rotors on a 18-71 M5 and the...
BAE over 60 1/4 mile passes here 46 lbs 9000 rpm 3300 lbs 3 yrs in a row.
LOL thank you MR obvious, It hasn't warmed up since the starting problem occurred but man thanks for the tip, I'll sure try to start it if it...
@ Mike I plugged the Mag back into itself so I eliminate the trigger. @ AJ481x 25 degrees like always @ Bruce No switch I just manually...
Just started recently 526 BAE Hemi 18-71 M5 Mag 44, power grid ignition. I start it with 24 volts and the cranking speed is very high. I...
its a must!!
I give them away to the kids, I buy new ones every season.
526 BAE 18-71 M5 45 lbs in a 3300 lbs Outlaw deal, running 1/4 mile only running it to 8900-9000 rpm's, 50 plus passes 3 yrs in a row never a...
I run a BAE roots in a 3300 lbs 10.5 Truck running 6.80's at 206... I'm running a wet sump with a 6 inch dragster pan, I put in 18 quarts, I...