Separate names with a comma.
Consistency wins races. Nice job by the Pomponio crew and driver.
Mark, turn it at 28%. I'll bet you could get 10 runs then. [img]
Nathan, we ran M/Ts on tubes and liners at the Keystones last year. The car ran well all weekend (5.60s) however it looked to move around quite a...
Hi Nick. We will be there with the Follow a Dream car. BTW: a customer was in the shop this morning and mentioned a funny car body for sale...
Hey guys, I sneak on this site when I should be working. I see a link where someone has added something since I last visited so I have to see what...
""NOPE I think 100% was more like around 103-105"" That is physically impossible. 100% nitro is 100% no mater what the temperature. The density...
This is an intersting subject. I have been led to believe it comes down to grain structure. If a part is machined from a billet block, plate, or...
I took a slug of steel, turned the o.d. to fit the clearance hole in the block just above the lifter, drilled a press fit hole in the center of...
Merry Christmas to all you guys. BTW, if you are in the area, there is a shop Christmas party at Marc Rowe's today (Fri.) 2pm
A couple of years back Gainsville's pits were swamped from rain. NHRA sent most of the sportman cars to Orlando to compete. TAD, TAFC, and (maybe)...
I suppose the question is: Would the alky guys rather be bottom of the totem pole at the big show, or the headliners at a Sportsman nationals. A...
Could the clutch be holding the back of the crank to the point #7 and #8 throws are retarded? This could in essence make the ignition timing...
Advantages: No more air over electric switches. An almost infinate amout of set points allowing ramping in and out of timing changes. Timing...
Will, I bought one of those for a LencoDrive car a couple of years ago. I believe it was about $1100. It does not have it's own laptop, you use...
$1750 and $2000
Trivia question: Who won the last 16 car IHRA funny car event?
Jim, the payout has been increased for the winner and runner-up. winner---$10,000 Runner-up-$5000 Semi's----$2000 Qualify---$1750 According to...
The letter states 4 of 12 events did not have 16 car fields.Going to an 8 car field is how they are addressing this problem. I believe IHRA just...
Why in the world would NHRA do that. It smacks of a power play to me. This is going to be a pain.