Separate names with a comma.
Hoops The hoops can be installed by AJPE on any of there heads, not sure about others. It is worth the cost for the upgrade, just my opinion.
481X block Have a 10" AJPE billet block standard cam less than 20 runs $5000 call for details 410-808-4973
dragster dolly Triple T Products
I looked at that one, looked nice just needed some feed back.
Looking to replace tire pressure gauge with a more repeatable model. It appears the CSR gauge is no longer available. Some are using a digital...
fake msd Hot Rod Mag had an article on this several months ago and it seems like most of the fake imitatations are sold on e bay. The artitcle...
head specs According to the higher ups this info was sent out as a preliminary spec for additional input. As of yet nothing is written in stone,...
Head rules This motor has been legal since 1996. This should fall under the moratorium rule in the rule book
head rules The vavle angles on the 481X are 11 and 10 degree not even close to the chevy heads. I quess I am done
Head specs Don't see the 481X/ olds heads listed. These are currently being run are they going to be illegal.
PM are full
Looking for some 10" big 6 stand floaters and 10" disc Rockwell 62-65'. Not looking for thin disc or used up floaters Give me a call @...
Have an older ser of weld alum stars with tires $250 plus shipping
When I used the msd relay the first sign that it was going bad was the car would intermittently miss, it appears the spring gets weak from shake...
Great job Dave. Thanks for the extra effort in keeping use up to date.
Sleeves Sounds like the KB olds / early 481 sleeves , How many are you looking for ?. I might have 1 or 2 but I think they are 4.700 O.D....
Looking for a 25 and 28 fine spline gear sets for CS-1 Give me a call @ 410-808-4973 Thanks for the space Dan
We use the Leahey battery 4 years old and still going strong.
AJPE 481x Heads Set #1 2.40 x 1.90 titanium beadlock intake and exhaust valves PAC 1360 springs 485-500# on the seat PAC Titanium retainers...
Is this true or only a rumor?