Separate names with a comma.
Davenport program will it work for nitro?
Go over to and get on the message board with some of our outlaw altered guys. Your last idea (putting a second combination together...
Breather System B/S That is the exact same setup I have along with a lot of other racers. That's the reason I was bitching about it above. These...
New puke system rules In light of what I see below, I will bet that about 3/4 of all blown, injected cars out there don't meet these...
Thieves abound these days You know the old saying, "When the times get tought the tough get going!" Some people aren't made of the right...
Spun bearings Here are another couple of suggestions- Fat is better, unless your counting cholesterol! Run that puppy rich until you KNOW it...
Brooks Have Brooks and will stay with Brooks.
Okay, now I have a clearer picture about the AHRA's 26, 27 March dates for San Antonio that were going to be the same dates as the Outlaw Fuel...
Another NHRA blow to the fans, racers and track owners This is just so much more big dog BS! As much as I hate to see lawyers get involved in...
Kano Labs sells direct - look them up at As far as a port-a-power - you can buy them on Ebay or rent them from tool rental...
Stuck hub Try some Sila-Kroil on it. Now matter what puller you use, you're still going to have to get past the galled section interface of snout...
AHRA San Antonio date Looks like we will be sharing the track with AHRA. To my knowledge the Outlaw Fuel Atered Association is booked into San...
Darren is right! Check everything! Had our last outing for the year at a hot rod reunion in Temple, Texas last Saturday. Get to the start up...
Butch Blair! You probably don't remember me but I used to live near you (Antioch) and knew Jim Davis, Pete Kaiser (worked with Pete at Todd...
email is:
I saw at least 10 blown fuel altereds yesterday, including mine, that had that very setup.
Need a crew that can help with a low budget blown fuel altered in the Houston area. Car runs 10-12 events a year, mostly in Texas. Need people...