Separate names with a comma.
Big CONGRATULATIONS!!! To Jeff Isbell and the whole sunken treasure team for their BIG win at the Nationals in Las Vegas!!!!!!!:D
Is this a permanent position or is it a voluntary deal. I am very interested, let me know. xXx ( Triple X)
Persistence will pay off!!! Hey Teamdon, Crew's advice is good, but being on here and asking questions is a great place to start. That is how i...
E.t.a. Chris, What is your estimated time frame for being in Las Vegas and ready to race?
Points implication According to Mike Dunn, There was going to be a 20k fine and a 10 point loss. According to my inside sources, there were no...
Great video Chris, both front and back. Congrats on the big #3. Cant wait to catch up with you guys next season.
Does anyone know if there is a site like this one devoted to Drag Boat Racing?
It'll be a little odd to see Kenny in something other than Budweiser colors!!!:cool:
I did realize that fact HEMI, but i was referring to the fact that MR. Schumacher is trying to take over ALL of the classes. But your point is...
Sounds to me like Mr. Schumacher had a say in this one...!!! Notice how high they put the limit? Not just Four Professional Teams but Four per...
That's AWESOME Hey Chris, awesome idea with the cam, Who needs ESPN? lol
Help Hey Jim, If you throw in airfare from Phoenix and I'll be more than happy to help you out next weekend! (lol) Good Luck with your search...
Well done!! Great job Cody, Does this mean that its time to replace DAD? lol
They're magically delicious Sorry Chris, I Tried to do the xXx HEX on Sean but it didn't work. I was supposed to use a box of Lucky Charms but...
Way to Go O.J.D Way to kick a$$ Dave. Cant wait to catch up with you guys in the near future.
Topeka Finals Couldn't ask for a better final round, Demke vs Obannon, or should I say Maddern vs. Grimes. 2 Finals in 2 years at Topeka for...
Semi's 3 B/AD 1 A/Fool Looks like Topeka may belong to the B/AD's. Could be Demke vs. Obannon in the Final. Go Chris!!!!!
The Billet Bullies Kicked A$$ Great Job to Mark and Crew. Oh yeah by the way...Mark, can we have our Magazine Back???lol I Guess the Triple...
oops Seems as if Mike forgot some key equipment going into the Final. Getting in the car without his firesuit!!!lol Great job guys. Way to Go...
How about that!!!! The 2 Peen Rite cars in the final in Phoenix. Way to go guys!!! Cant wait for the Final. Hopefully they can fix Mikes car...