Separate names with a comma.
Have heard over the last month or so that as of the beginning of Pomona there are no longer modifications allowed on a set of heads and all heads...
Ford tafc Greg Hunter out of Canada has raced a ford powed FC at the national event level and still ownes it I am sure of it. Try him if anybody...
Ok great thanks sir!
Can somebody help explain the header tether deal? Is this an alky rule as well and if so where to get the "NHRA" approved ones? Thanks!
Strange changes!!! If you take out Jim Whitelys wins in 2013 who in my opinion is the exception to the rule and was untouchable in tad and would...
Sorry guys Alcohol Dragsters as well sorry TAD guys We need all of you!
Other Options??? Gonna go out on a limb here and say a bad word IHRA? When the alcohol class ran that series the crowds were huge, the tv...
Well Said Dave: Very interesting way of looking at the whole deal sounds like the best thing said so far. You have my vote! Hemi
Changes I am a person who is always in favor of change. But I think racing to 1/8 mile completely takes away Drag Racing in the alcohol class all...
I know it is early but does anyone know when and where testing is gonna happen in the west for the month of January?
Has anyone heard if there has been a new schedule set for the regional races for 2014 as of yet? OR is it a little early?
Well to be honest anything to improve the show would be great is it going to fill the empty stands probably not back in the day Shirley was the...
Right On Jonnie!!! See you are registered into Pomona that's great.... Don't forget the 5.42 tune up book in the sea can you are gonna need it...
Awesome!!! Thanks for the news Bob cant wait for Pomona! Safe travels to that team overseas!
Correction The first car to win with a converter car was Kaplan in TA/FC this year in Topeka. Canadian to boot EH! Good job to Brandon as...
I feel bad for you as well but in the same token most guys that are buying the new heads are fully aware of the difference. BAE is very insistant...
Agreed! Will never keep everybody happy
Perfect! Can't wait as I am sure many of us are in the same boat send him over could always use some new cars and talent in the USA. But he...
Gizmo I agree with you to an extent but if the air was cooler in Indy this weekend Whitely, Demke and maybe a few other would have been in the mid...
Agreed!!! I agree with Randy G on this one if 125 is the limit why wouldnt you use it??? Thats like a TAFC over here running 70 over doesnt make...