Separate names with a comma.
You have a number of options, there are allot of people making Fab Rears (some Good, some Bad). And some you would really want to stay away from,...
You can call me or Jeff Burnett at Composite Specialties. He makes them for me. Jeff, 317-852-1408 Kurt-Prostart Race Cars 908-479-4098
Call Jerry Darien at Specialty, he can get anything in Ti you need and Aluminum also. Kurt-Prostart Race Cars [img]
If you cut through the Mar Resistant coating you will make a mess and ruin the windshield. Be careful and try to polish and it may be fine, after...
Great Outing Team Bourke Ditto That! Been an overdue win, great to see your hard work pay off! Congratulations, Kurt-Prostart Race Cars
Best of luck Tom! Will be looking forward to seeing you as soon as you get back. Go get um......and be safe. Kurt
Great job Scott, Steve and the rest of the crew. Glad to see all your hard work pay off. Almost a first win, congratulations again....
Shelly crashed last year when Cy crashed, same race same conditions, and it "was" a result of the track condition. Anyone with one of theses cars...
Let's see, "LAST YEAR" same thing happened to Cy Chesterman. Will the track and Div.5 ever learn, it is not safe for these cars to run at NIGHT....
Congratulations to Roger Bateman and the entire Friesen crew on their Topeka Win!!!! Best of LUCK at the US nationals. Kurt-Prostart Race Cars
This whole thread should be started over, it's more confusing than ever.[img] 1) Yes, the "OLD" style "aluminum" Strange Strut Spindles are...
Jeff Burnett@Composite Specialties. 317-852-1408
Composite Specialties- Jeff Burnett 317-852-1408 Kurt
I know it's late but i just wanted to congratulate Grant Stoms "the tuner"and the Fink team for a job well done at E-Town!!!!!!!!!!! Still doesn't...
Strange of coarse, one piece axle always. Kurt-Prostart Race Cars
Stefan, Sorry I do not give out phone numbers, you can also PM on ITA -Rexdarby. Kurt
Best of luck and continued success, that car has won allot of races. Kurt
What an Honor! Congrats, what an honor! Plus I see Roger and Ken are both nominated for DragRaceCanada, Pro Driver and Crew Chief-Tunner Awards....
Wow, what an honor that's great to hear! Congratulations also on finishing #4 in Powerade and #1 Div 5 for 2008. Hope this means more trips to the...
Great job Down Under! Keep it up, best of luck next outing! Kurt