Separate names with a comma.
After having to had work for years on so many trailers with electric brakes that I gave up counting here's my .02, since you just got the trailer...
As long as there made of aluminum you can have them anodized, enderly's are anodized. See below. [IMG]
San Antonio Raceway is now NHRA The track in Crandall was supposed to have been finshed 2 years ago, the IHRA allready had them under their...
From what I heard is if you buy a new -20 from Simpson, then when you send it back for it's recertification it will come back as -15 instead of a...
It will be intresting what the pros are wearing (firesuit wise), and what they will say about Impact Racing (if anything) this weekend in Houston.
Why Men Don't Write Advice Columns Dear Walter: I hope you can help me here. The other day, I set off for work in my Volvo 1800 leaving my...
If I were you I would call Impact tomarrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$$$$$$ makes the world go round.
From the NHRA decertification notice that they posted yesterday. We understand that Impact will issue a recall notice tomorrow, March 20, 2009....
"Investors" calling the shots. Maybe, or not?
After the 09 season is over.
When I repaired a CF F/C body I bought everything from aircraft spruce, any repairs, or reinforcements on the underside of the body I used kevlar...
Damn sfi certification decal installer Union! :mad:
Trevor, thanks for your service to these United States, and congrats on finally getting to realize your dream (you've certainly earned it) BTW:...
I'd leave them on the car while it's being put together to be able to roll it around if need be, then put some new ones on when it's ready to hit...
Automatic cars have to have them to, my altered uses a solid trans mount on the tailhousing of the powerglide case. I have seen some flexplates...
My friend had 3 cores reground by Crane recently, don't remember the price, so yes they can change it.
Looks very very expensive to!