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Can you pull the third box back into low and get on the sprag or push the clutch. Don't like the idea of motor over run
Filter No real answer. But I sure wish that they made that filter as an 'inline' It would save a lot of bent fittings
Dear Dad: You'r my kinda guy too. But I didn't make this stuff up, about the line size and all. That's what they told me honest. Maybe they told...
restrictor Don't restrict the feed. Remove and dissamble the pod and tapl a 1/4 x 32 near the bottom of the pod and screw a holly main jet in ....
Dave aint here cause he is at work at lenco. Remember the original question? He sez and i'm not quoting "-3 is too small and it'll burn up your...
AN dash numbers reference O.D. but fluid goes thru the inside (usually) soos dash 3 is prolly something a round about pretty near kinda like an...
WOW. ? did I hear that one correctly?
oil Is it possible that you have an internal leak. Like a loose lifter from the valve train rattles or maybe the distributor body just above the...
Dimentions I think there is enough distance between front seal and back of the bottom sprocket to put a 3/8 v pulley. But there are many...
A bigger motor will make more hp Lower boost: lower manifold temp. this is undenailable. The real question is does the guy have any kids in...
I would go with the bigger 526 for the same reason that Sitko would go with the smaller motor .That the blower can't keep up to. For the same O.D....
Is something binding? What are your alignment specs. Because of castor altereds usually steer 'lighter' going backwards
7 The 5th one mounts behind chest line as is common knowledge. It was explained to me that belt 6 and 7 are to keep your knees from knocking the...
time out It's my understanding that the stopwatch starts when three bulbs are lit. Seven seconds. Is that correct? Otherwise you could quick...
The running car is shut off and sent to the back of the pack. The stalled car is pushed off. Its the crap when your already at the back. Happened...
Snap On ! Oh shoot! Try a light with no bells and whistles. NO KNOBS!
The ita manton forum was hot working. I have a clutch peddle and link assembly that works pretty good If you are intrested call me @ 323-292-2565...
Clutch I'v got a pretty good clutch pedal and linkage. Give me a call 323 292 2565 (lester)
Dia? I'm really intrested in finding out why roller dia makes a difference in finding lobe centerline.
(jack) Hey jim, what's the difference between the Faulk and the Knut? (/jack)