Separate names with a comma.
Lots of items here. I am cleaning off the shelves and making room in my shop. I will seel all or part, feel free to make an offer. All offers...
What track and what day?
Call PSI, I hear he is catching up really quickly on the list of backorders.
You have your work cut out for you here. I've been threading titanium bolts this week and doing anything with Time is a chore. My best suggestion...
Texas. If its not in my policy or made available to me by the insurance company with my signature then I don't see any way they could avoid...
Most Pro Extreme pro mod guys are getting 3-5 runs on 8mm belts I hear. Can anyone confirm this? How is the 11mm any better?
This must be a NY policy because mine does not read that way or even mention a race car.
Titled as motor home so it is irrelevant.
I used progressive who asked the value, never asked about pictures and then sent over my policy online. Everything was done on the phone using the...
I looked at the MSD 8991 and it has no adjustment dial, is this accurate?
IMO someone should start organizing exhibitional "Outlaw" F/C Races that will allow guys to try new heads and other frowned upon items that the...
Do you know anything about the Brad 9 head?
I understand that BAE released a BAE 9 head mid year last year so why isn't it on their website and how come no one is talking good or bad about it?
Has anyone had any dealings with the BAE 9 Head yet? If so what are your thoughts and or knowledge about it?
Is everyone still using the Davenport Jet Size program or has evolution finally taken over this program with an advancement?
Any public info on these heads out anyplace?
Someone told me AJ had a new head out also.
I keep hearing about a new head thats generating some buzz among the Extreme Pro Mod guys. anyone know what it is? I know NRE has a new head this...
We use a shop vac hooked to the puke tank and just pull fresh air through it.