Separate names with a comma.
Try this number for Dave. 817-431-0268
Try here Dave you might find a different phone number?...
Here are (2) square area calculators I made in Excel spread sheet format. They are both the really same thing. On the first one you enter the...
Here is Dave's # (740) 362-0251 & link
Will Or Anyone Else... Question About Attachments Will or anyone else, I tried to upload a small zip file that was ony 4kb large and it wouldn't...
Congrats Dave :cool::D
Air bottle > Local fire station or scuba divers store CO2 bottle > Any welding supply house or dry ice company
Now THAT I would love to have happen :cool:
Congrats Marty!!!! :cool::D:cool::D
Rusty, Weld a couple of -6 fittings into the main line a couple of feet away from the pump & plumb the returns into them or just plumb them into...
Call Fred Mandoline (sp) he'll tell ya.
If you want my opinion about the BRT drives send me a PM.
Greg, Welcome to the Hi-Tech world of flowed fuel systems. :D If you want to tune a fuel system, have your system re-flowed and buy all your...
If you have a top loader go here.
We use a Flamming River brand self powered timing light.
30 weight motor oil. 1 quart in each drive section and 1/2 quart in the reverse
When was the last re-cert. done? If it has a serial number stamped into the can it can be re-certified. If not you'll have to buy another can.
Try this search link.,GGLD:2005-17,GGLD:en&q=%224+link+calculator%22
CJ, I hope your right!! But given NHRA's track record in certain cases I'm not so sure. Ask the Pro Stock Truck Racers. Remember money talks BS...
Not that I was a member, seems to me like a good time to bring back the (Top Alcohol Racers Association) I 2nd the motion