Separate names with a comma.
Oops Sorry forgot to include Tom also. :( Thanks Tom.
No not really, trashed some reverser parts and made a fool out of ourselves. :eek:
Make damn sure you have at least .250 clearance between the output shaft and the pinion nut. And don't ask why I know this. :mad:
Hey Trevor, Thanks for the update, stay safe over there, and a big THANK YOU for serving our counrty.
Thanks Nancy that was a good article. :cool:
I use a static converter on my lathe & mill and haven't burned them up yet of course I don't use them everyday. You can also use a VFD drive on it...
Me to also :D
John Shoemaker of American Eagle fame died today in a racing accident at the March Meet. Rest In Peace John :(
Also a decent laptop computer with Windows XP and NOT Vista. I hate Vista!!!!
Additional items: AN fitting vice jaws Leak down tester, buy the kit to check poppet pressures also Spring checker Sleeve puller Stud...
Richen # 1 & 2 cylinders by .005 Also what was the last tuning change you made before this problem started happening?
Here are the websites & info I have been given. You have to register to access SCAT DHS will send a user name and password, and then you...
Racers will be able to transport more than 40 gallons but you will have to fill out a special form from DHS to be able to do so from what I have...
Here is his web address
Go here
Please take a moment today to remember and pray for all of our Veteran's who served our country and those who are currently serving our country....
I agree, but 4-1.C deals with the entire structure after it has been built and annealed/normalized in a highly controlled environment. Not using...
Paul, Go here download...