Separate names with a comma.
Cars, drivers and crew fees are all back gate money whatever the numbers. BTW 2250X4 is 9000 not 10000 and div events are 3 days not 4 so 2250X3...
Dean First read my post. Second review your math. Third: so you think crew are spectators? And at an average race with 325 race...
I have to agree with R4K...and also observe that the track and NHRA are intentionally running this as a back gate event by ensuring a large car...
For goodness sake! Car counts are low because the budget folks cannot afford to race or to race more. Making the "division" larger will reduce the...
Well, this is very hard for me to write. My brother and I started going to the races in the late '60s. The first trophy won was in 1968 with his...
Go to Drag Racing On Line to see what Jok Nicholson thinks about current NHRA events. The problem is not the Alcohol cars nor the show that they...
Clint I agree with what you say regarding playing with your toy BUT the topic here is car counts and nobody can deny that costs are a big...
I have to agree with what Chuck has written. More events and thrown away events means more travel and race car expenses. Expenses could also be...
I've had some experience with the AN lines; a -16 on the scavenge side is not enough; it seems to entrain air into the oil in the tank and messes...
The density altitude info from around the country looks to be useful for getting a rough car setup before leaving home for tracks not visited in...
I did not intend to suggest that the air check method will give you a gpm factor which a flow bench configured to flow a nozzle or jet will. It...
You are flowing a nozzle that you want to change with air and you are flowing the one you want to change to with air. You are looking at the...
Basically your leak down tester is a flow meter. Our alcohol dragster engine idles at about 50 lbs fuel pressure so I use that as my reference on...
Just use your leakdown tester. Jeff
Lou will always be remembered I also just heard that Lou had passed away. My thoughts are with the family as well. The last time I saw Lou was at...
Well Deane, we are held to an incredibly high standard; not a drop of oil out of a 10K race engine or you will loose points and enjoy a financial...
Also, why is everyone else's points entered from the Phoenix race, and why are the national points from Pomona for them entered but not Phoenix?...
OK, but the race was completed 3 days before the National event began, all during the work week and it is now the Tuesday after the National...
In no way am I slagging Jay nor Dwayne; I just want the points folks to do their job for a change. Jeff Johnsen
Wow; can I apply for the job? It seems that the positon is vacant!!! The published points at the end of last year were a joke and this year is...